
Patrick B. Jenkins & Associates planning and strategy services help your organization develop a comprehensive blueprint for organizational growth. Whether you are considering a major fundraising initiative or looking to define the overall strategic direction of your nonprofit, We can provide data-driven analysis, in-depth stakeholder engagement, and broad-ranging fundraising expertise to help you determine the best path forward.

Responsive Online Fundraising Services

COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of digital communication and compelled nonprofits to strengthen their use of digital channels in fundraising efforts.

Our fundraising experts can help your organization create a six-month or one-year digital fundraising plan that reflects the recent changes and investments your organization has made, integrates the COVID-19 responsive messaging you developed, and moves you towards a more sophisticated and coordinated multichannel approach.

Our responsive services can be completed in as few as three weeks with these steps:

  • Recommendations on online fundraising best practices for the short- and long-term.

  • Adjustments to your social media and email messaging and calendar that align with your organization’s situation—whether you’re grappling with a loss of earned revenue, struggling to define the relevance of your mission in our current moment, or experiencing an unprecedented surge in support from new donors.

  • Processes and tools to streamline staff responsibilities, recreate the atmosphere of events and gatherings, or facilitate broad-based communication in a cost-effective way.

Responsive Annual Giving Services

The operating support your organization raises through annual giving has likely become even more of a lifeline in the past few months. As you plan your annual giving efforts for the remainder of 2020 and beyond, you may be struggling with what recent shifts in programming, messaging, and solicitation schedule mean and how your community will respond to annual appeals.

In four to six weeks, we can develop a responsive annual fund plan to guide you through changes to your calendar, planned activities, and case for support that connect to your organization’s current reality and create a bridge back to your strategic priorities and growth. We can also help you revise your communications and solicitations, develop digital outreach to replace in-person touchpoints, and revamp your giving day.